Thursday, October 10, 2013

"What is Computer Applications 1 About and What Will I Learn in this class?"
<Think about what this course is designed to teach you. Describe in 3 to 5 sentences the reason you used a computer, how you used a computer, and the programs you used before taking this class. Describe in 3 to 5 sentences what you have learned in this class, the programs you learned how to use, and explain how it has made a difference in how you use computers now. Describe in 2 to 3 sentences what new things you have learned in this class.>

answer: The main reason why somebody uses computer is because people can use the internet, write essays or do homework. Also, people can go on the computer to surf the web or do important stuff on it. The programs I used before taking this class was just for social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Kik and etc. The main things I've learned in this class is how to write essays, type better, go on websites, check grades and learn how to use shortcuts.

Summary. <Describe and/or explain in 3-5 sentences if you feel that what you are learning in this class is important for you to know. Think about you future choices, such as your college choice and career.>  

answer: I believe things I've learned in this class is how to type better because it will help me in the future with any assignments once i go to college. Another important thing is to find new ways to use shortcuts well because it's so much easier. In the other hand, is how to write essays, it's helpful because once you get a homework assignment you already know how the setting of the essay should be. Finally, another important thing is checking grades because you can keep up with your grades and find out what you're missing.